Jul 25Liked by Bethany A. Veiman

Thanks for sharing your expereince and best of luck to you! Querying is never easy even for those of us who have been around for a long time and occasionally have to switch agents.

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Thanks, Karin! It’s always encouraging to hear from those further ahead than me that this is a normal part of the process. ;)

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This was beautifully written, as always, Bethany! Also I had no idea many of the small presses existed and were open to unagented submissions- after feeling super bummed out with a MG contest this week I have a MG story that fits the bill for some of these presses! Thanks!

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I’m so sorry about the contest disappointment. I’ve been there many times, and it never seems to get easier. But I’m really glad it was encouraging! I actually have a longer list to share with you specific to MG—I’ll email it to you now!

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Thanks so much Bethany!!

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