"What does it take to become a successful author?" An Interview with Literary Publicist Krista Soukop
I've often wondered what, as an author, I should be focusing on with my limited time and resources. Today, we discuss honing your author brand and how to define success.
Today, I share some advice for authors from literary publicist and marketing consultant Krista Soukop. Krista is the owner and founder of Blue Cottage Agency (established 2009). Several months back, I consulted with Krista regarding my books and marketing strategy. Krista’s warm personality, ideas, and ability to connect with people drew me in personally. She brings so much value to the literary community, so I asked if I might interview her for my newsletter!
Interview with Krista Soukop
What made you want to become a literary publicist?
Krista: In 2009, My book club read “Abercrombie Trail” by Candace Simar and invited her to our discussion. After hearing about her frustration with marketing and promoting her book, I invited her to my house for coffee a week later. I was a stay-at-home mom looking to get back into my field of study and offered to help her. She went on to publish twelve books, won several literary awards, and became a sought-after speaker. From her success, more authors found me, and my business grew. Candace and I still work together to this day, and I consider her a dear friend.
What can a publicist offer authors?
Krista: A publicist can offer guidance, collaboration, and support in getting a book into the hands of readers. Securing a publicist to pitch your book to bookstores, libraries, media or reviewers is advantageous in getting placement.
What are some helpful resources authors might not know about?
Krista: For Minnesota authors, Springboard for the Arts offers resources for artists of all disciplines, including literary. I work as an Artist Career Consultant for Springboard and provide marketing and branding guidance in one-on-one consultations. Making connections in a community of writers and the arts is key.
[For authors based in any state] Local and regional arts councils, writer’s groups, and libraries are valuable resources for making connections and strengthening your writing craft—research opportunities to write grants to support your work as an artist.
What is the best advice you can give an author just starting out?
Krista: Start with a solid brand, including a great bio and author photo. Keep your name consistent, as it is digitally indexed. These elements are used throughout your marketing and publicity.
How does that advice differ between independent and traditional publishing?
Krista: A polished and professional brand is crucial for any publishing path. Many authors have multiple publishing paths, but their brand is foundational. Brands need not be stagnant; they can grow and change, but they must remain solid.
What cautions do you give your authors as they publish their books?
Krista: Authors need to clearly understand their budget and ROI on various types of publishing. When you become an author, you are a business. There are no guarantees about getting your money back. Be realistic about the competition. Being an author is an exciting and fulfilling experience, but it may take years to build up a readership.
How do you define success?
Krista: Success is having a quality book and a professional brand.
What does it take to be a “successful author”?
Krista: Successful authors continually work on their craft. They read books in the genre they are writing. They are taking the time to understand the best publishing path for each manuscript. They are realistic in the business portion. They understand the need to connect with their readers. Most importantly, they are enjoying the journey!
September’s “Golden List” for Writers
As always, here is a fresh, hand-curated list of writing opportunities open for this month!
Traditional Publishers Currently Open to Unagented Authors
Skyhorse Publishing currently has a small window open for various non-fiction topics including but not limited to: True Crime, House and Home, and History, Humor and Animals.
Sky Pony Press is an imprint of Skyhorse specializing in picture books, chapter books, middle grade, and YA fiction and nonfiction. It is currently open to submissions from unagented authors.
Entangled Publishing is a reputable, midsized publisher with almost a dozen imprints in the romance, fantasy, teen, and historical genres, many of which are currently open.
North Star Editions is currently accepting submissions for their following imprints.
Flux — accepting YA fiction submissions
Jolly Fish Press — accepting middle-grade and YA fiction submissions
Press Box Books — accepting sports nonfiction submissions
Twisted Road Publications is now accepting submissions for their upcoming “Survivors” series. They are looking for both full-length manuscripts (fiction and non-fiction) and shorter works (essays and short stories) for inclusion in anthologies.
Kensington Publishing Group publishes a range of popular genres such as thrillers, romance, historical fiction, cozy mysteries, and non-fiction, as well as true-crime, western, sci-fi, and speculative fiction titles.is open to unagented submissions, but they have very specific needs at this time. Please review guidelines thoroughly.
Adobe Press Chapbooks submissions is currently open for submissions and will close on November 30th! Seeking Poetry = up to 30 pages and Hybrid and Fiction = up to 60 pages. Abode Press mission dedicated to uplifting underrepresented voices.
Golden Scales Publishing is a new publisher established in 2024. They are ready to accept our first submissions for fantasy, romance, or paranormal genres.
Pegasus Elliot MacKenzie Publishers has published high-quality books for over 25 years. They are currently open. Check out their imprints to learn the best placement for your specific genre.
Annick Press is currently open to easy readers, picture books, YA, and comics.
Charlesbridge is currently open to picture book and YA submissions.
Austin Macauley Publishing accepts manuscripts — fiction and nonfiction in almost every category.
Aethon Books is accepting all genre fiction, focusing on Science Fiction and Fantasy.
Enclave Publishing is accepting adult and YA manuscripts for Christian speculative fiction.
Awards Submissions for Published Works
The BookFest Book Awards - Submissions for the fall 2024 awards are open until Sept 15th, 2024.
Reader Views - For independently published books. The submission title must have a copyright date of 2024 to be eligible. The contest ends in December 2024.
Contests to Submit to for Unpublished Works
The Dzanc Books Prize for Fiction - familiarize yourself with the rules via the link. Contest ends September 30th.
2025 Claymore Award Submission Entry – KillerNashville - for best first 50 pages of an unpublished manuscript, play, or screenplay. Submission Deadline: April 1, 2025.
500 Flash - a novel opening & synopsis competition! Entries close on 31st October 2024.
Headline Publishing - a novel opening competition. They welcome published, self-published, and unpublished novelists. The only stipulation is that the entry must be unpublished. This is an annual competition: entries close on 31st October 2024.
Novel Fair 2025 - The Irish Writers Centre Novel Fair is an annual literary competition that awards twelve first-time novelists to sit down and pitch their novels to leading publishers and agents. Deadline: September 30, 2024
Unleash Press Book Prize - $1,000 advance and standard contract from Unleash Press for one winning manuscript. Novels, poetry collections, short story collections, and creative nonfiction manuscripts are accepted. Submissions will be accepted until December 1, 2024.
Book Pipeline - I submitted to this one just for kicks and giggles. But warning: The deadline is on THURSDAY!!!
FREE Webinar
How to Write a Picture Book Children Will Love (and Parents Will Buy) in this free training with Miriam Laundry & Jack Canfield you’ll discover:
How to write a children’s picture book that sells (even if you’re not an author and haven’t written anything since college!)
3 common mistakes first-time authors make when writing picture books for kids (and how to AVOID them).
The unconventional publishing option you haven’t considered yet (and the roadmap to get your children’s book written, published & marketed on YOUR timetable).
ARC Opportunity
Do you like anthologies? What Happened in the Woods will be released at the end of October, and ARCs will be available soon! See the blurb below and sign up via this exclusive reopened link for my newsletter subscribers!
What if Little Red Riding Hood. . .
. . . had a twin and switching places would save her people- or cost her everything?
. . . was best friends with the wolf until he broke her heart?
. . . had to prove who the true ruler of her kingdom was?
. . . embraced the darkness inside her after losing her true love- hunting and destroying anyone who dared enter the woods?
Sign off
I hope you found something helpful here today to aid your creative journey! I’m so grateful for all the comments and messages I receive from each of you.
Love and Light,
About Bethany
If you’re new here, welcome!
I’m a Minnesota-based fantasy writer, mom of three, and married to my best friend and college sweetheart, Keegan. My stories enter dark, gritty places to shine the light of hope, goodness, and self-sacrificial love.
When not writing, parenting, or fixing up our 1920s colonial, I love getting lost in bookstores, over-sweetening my coffee, and hunting for clay mugs and acrylic landscapes in antique stores.
It means so much to me that you are here!
Awesome and practical! Thank you!